Lorène e Christophe
Hello brides and blog followers!
Today I have received the official photos of the Real Wedding L+C, organized and decorated by Do Pedido ao Altar in Viana do Castelo – Portugal.
I was anxious to show you my work under the “look” of my dearest friend and photographer Luis Valadares! I was radiant with the way he captured the overall work and I hope you like it too. (It is wonderful to work in the company of competent professionals, many thanks Luís.)
For those of you who haven’t got the chance to read about the details of this wedding which was so pleasant to organize and decorate have a look at the link :
Casamento L + CBut now the official photos:
Couple testemonySuppliers:
Organização do Casamento/Wedding Organization: Bianca Oliveira – {Do Pedido ao Altar}
Projeto de decoração/Styling and Design Decoration: Bianca Oliveira – {Do Pedido ao Altar}
Assessoria aos noivos dia do casamento/Day of Wedding Coordinator: Bianca Oliveira – {Do Pedido ao Altar}
Cerimónia/Ceremony: Basílica de Santa Luzia – Viana do Castelo
Local/Reception Venue: Quinta de São João – Viana do Castelo
Fotógrafo/Photography: Luis Valadares Fotografia